ENG The Municipality of Alcora organizes the 39th edition of the CICA, the International Competition of Ceramics. Registrations are open until February28, 2019. The exhibition will be held from 12 July to 15 September 2019. The Competition counts 200 participants each year from over 30 countries and over 2000 visitors at the exhibition. Born in 1981, the competition has established as one of the most important in the field of artistic ceramics over the years.
Every year it distributes 16,600 euros of prize money, thanks to the sponsorship of the Provincial Council of Castellón, Caja Rural de l'Alcora, General Aria D. Federico Michavila, the mMnicipality of L'Alcora and the numerous companies of Alcorinas that collaborate. 1st PRIZE: 7,000 euros. Sponsored by Ilmo. Ayuntamiento de l'Alcora. 2nd PRIZE: 4,000 euros. Sponsored by Excma. Diputación Provincial de Castellón. 3rd PRIZE: 2,800 euros. Patrocinado from the General of Aire D. Federico Michavila. PUBLIC AWARD: 2,800 euros. Sponsored by the Caja Rural San José de l'Alcora. On the website www.museualcora.com all the indications to participate and online registration
*** CICA is also the nucleus from which the collection of contemporary ceramics was created, on the second floor of the Alcora Ceramic Museum, with over 100 ceramic works showcasing a significant overview.