Dear ceramists, ceramic stakeholders and ceramic friends, as you have probably heard, the new EU’s General Data Protection Regulation came into force on 25th May 2018 and will ensure a better data protection and privacy of EU citizens. In accordance with the new GDPR regulations, we request users' consent to continue to provide information and involve you in our activities: in this regard, we will continue to maintain minimum and non-sensitive personal information and will only use it to contact you for news, events and proposals that are exclusively related to the Ceramics sector and in particular artistic and handicraft. To comply with the requirements of the GDPR, we will be updating our website to let you know exactly what our privacy policy is and how we protect your information. Your data will be stored on our servers and will continue to be applied to ensure that only authorized personnel can access the data for the purpose for which they were collected, with the express commitment that your data will be used only for the purpose of sending you these newsletters and that will never be sold or shared with third parties for commercial or other purposes. We will maintain and manage your information for as long as we continue to enjoy your trust and have your consent. If you would like to continue receiving our newsletters by email, you do not have to do anything and ignore this message. In this way you will authorize us to continue to send you the informative newsletters. If not, you can unsubscribe in one click, just press the button "Unsubscribe" that appears in the footer of this newsletter. Should you have any question, contact us at What are you going to find in our newsletters? We will continue to keep you informed about all that makes AiCC a unique network and more specifically: > ceramics exhibitions and events > ceramics markets > ceramics European projects > ceramics classes, courses and vocational activities |